Posts Tagged ‘Jesus our Greatest Need’

Divine Mathematics: Jesus + Nothing = Everything, Part Two

In my previous post, I began to explore the divine equation Jesus+Nothing=Everything by thinking about what our longings reveal about human nature. In this post, I want to consider how embracing this divine equation can define your life in bright and liberating ways.

Divine Mathematics: Jesus + Nothing = Everything, Part One

I’ve been reading Tullian Tchividjian’s book Jesus+Nothing=Everything and have been thinking about this mathematical equation. His central thesis is that when you get Jesus you get everything the heart ultimately desires: peace, happiness, rest, joy, meaning, significance and relationship.

The Problem of Evil: A failure to ask preliminary questions

This week, in my series on defeater beliefs for Christianity, I want to consider the problem of evil. There is no one problem of evil, but several, depending on what kind of objection is in view.

Jonathan Edwards on the “glorious things of the gospel”

I’ve been reading a little booklet about the great scholar/pastor/university president Jonathan Edwards called “Resolutions of a Saintly Scholar.” I am struck with Edward’s utter passion to find his hope, joy, and delight in Christ and Christ alone.

A Brilliant and Beautiful Christ

Welcome to my first ever blog! Why add to the cacophony that has now become the worldwide web? Why add my voice to all the competing voices, websites, newsfeeds, and twitter posts that have become so common in our world today?